EFF member of Parliament Vuyani Pambo hijacked in Soweto

EFF, MP Vuyani Pambo was the victim of a hijacking on Monday night.In Diepkloof, Gauteng, three men approached Pambo, who is the leader of the party’s presidency. In statement on Tuesday, the party said it condemned “the hijacking of the EFF head of presidency, Commissar Vuyani Pambo, on the evening of 27 June 2022”.

It further stated that three individuals approached the Parliamentarian and demanded his car and money. “The individuals, who were well-built [and] masked, operated with precision and took the vehicle of Commissar Pambo outside his mother’s household, located in a quiet and unassuming neighbourhood,” the statement read.

The attackers fled with the car, office supplies, and Pambo’s personal items, including his passport and identification card.Later, the abandoned vehicle was discovered.According to the party, it was obvious from how the operation was carried out that it was a premeditated act.The Diepkloof police station was informed of it.

Despite the fact that red berets were angered by the hijacking of the EFF heavyweight, proponents of Operation Dudula contend that the EFF is now experiencing the crime that so many have been speculating about.

Although it would be naive to assume that the hijackers were foreigners, some detractors contend that the EFF must bear responsibility for pushing unauthorized immigrants to devise ingenious entrance routes into South Africa.

“Let me get this straight, so the law enforcement must do their job, but illegal immigrants must find creative ways to get here? You encourage foreigners to break our country’s laws then you come here and complain,” some said.

“That’s what happens when you open the flood gates for millions of hungry illegal immigrants.The sheer number of people in this country makes proper policing impossible,” others said.

Cyril Ramaphosa, the president, is the most recent member of Congress to experience crime, on February 9, 2020, thieves stormed into his Phala Phala game farm in the Limpopo province and found sizable amounts of cash concealed in various pieces of furniture accoding to fomer Director Gerneral of State intelligence.

Vuyani Pambo  gained the most notoriety for his active participation in the Fees Must Fall protests

He was a member of the movement’s leadership and was detained and arrested numerous times. He was appointed EFF student leader at the University of Witwatersrand as a result of his active participation in the demonstration.

The quarterly crime statistics, which cover reported crimes committed between January 1 and March 31, 2022, were presented by Minister of Police Bheki Cele at the beginning of the year. Alarmingly, it indicated a sharp rise in the reported number of people who were killed and raped in South Africa, particularly women and children. The overall number of crimes reported increased by 9.3 percent.

In a video briefing a committee , Tina Joemat-Pettersson, the chair of the Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Police, stated that the 9.3% increase in recorded crime statistics was “serious worry.”Dr. Pieter Groenewald, the leader of the Freedom Front Plus and a member of the portfolio committee, described the numbers as “very worrisome.”

At a media briefing later, Cele echoed these sentiments when he acknowledged that January, February and March were “especially brutal for women and children”.

Between January and March 2021, there were 4,976 murders reported in South Africa. For the same period this year, that number increased to 6,083, an increase of 22.2%. Reported attempted murders also increased from 12,133 to 13,799

Also Read: durban teacher jailed for rigging local government election

Source of News: effs vuyani pambo hijacked-robbed


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